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Well-Architected Day

Virtually Delivered to AWS Customers

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nubeGo are pleased to announce the "Well-Architected Day" virtually delivered on Monday 17th and Thursday 20th of May 2021. 

This is an opportunity for you to have a complimentary
3 hour one-to-one session with one of our Well-Architected Leads to work with you through the AWS 
"Well-Architected Review".

Reasons to Attend

Find out how your AWS architecture compares to the 5 pillars of the AWS Well-Architected framework, you can find out more here. nubeGo will suggest actions to remediate the findings that arise from this session and through nubeGo's partnership with AWS, you can leave feeling confident that you are on the way to having a
"Well-Architected" approach to your AWS usage.

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Monday 17th and Thursday 20th May 2021 

One to one session

Well-Architected Review


Why do a well architected review?

Find out more here.

Event Details

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Monday 17th and Thursday 20th

May 2021

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Virtually Delivered  (Video Conference)

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Company Number: 09115069

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