Case Studies
Our clients give their insight into how nubeGo has helped them

Automation using Systems Manager
Facilitabots was born to facilitate the interactions and activities of companies using artificial intelligence. They carry out automation, analysis and integration for companies to improve the experience and interaction with their customers. Facilitabots are a digital business born in the cloud, leveraging cloud technology using AWS native services.
"Relying on an automated, secure and self-healing environment is everyone’s dream. Our team now focuses on what’s important, our clients".
Andres Restrepo - Director of Technology

Vitaccess is a multi-award-winning digital healthcare research scale-up and strategic consultancy. They offer a world-class real-world evidence (RWE) data portfolio and data science research via MyRealWorld®. Vitaccess are a digital business born in the cloud, leveraging cloud technology using AWS native services.
As a SaaS scale-up, Vitaccess wants to get the most from the cloud, adopting agility and focusing on their products to provide the best customer experience day after day. They engage third-party partners to assist in the development and operation of the platform, increasing the importance of Cloud governance, security and cost optimisations.
"Focusing on our product rather than the infrastructure was a key goal for this year, and relying on an automated platform was the solution for our team."
Jon Spinage - Director of Technology

EC2 Compliance & Automation with SSM
Citaldoc was created to cover the needs of patients and health professionals, with the aim of complementing and strengthening the traditional doctor-patient relationship through computerised channels. Access to quality, personalised, effective medical care and under strict safety regulations is the challenge of this platform.
"Relying on an automated security remediation solution gave us the confidence to create new customer services."
Jorge Nasanovsky - CEO

iSky Research - DevOps
iSky Research provide an innovative financial services CX (Customer Experience) digital intelligence platform. Through their online portal, iSky Research surface unique data insights incorporating hundreds of banking channels, as well as innovation news, competitor insights and a library of visual content including screenshots, video and banking correspondence.
"What nubeGo have done for us is to build the foundations of best practices that everyone who contributes to the iSky platform can build upon. By putting in place robust testing routines and clear visibility of code quality and build health, we can get rapid feedback on the changes people make, and increase our confidence in the quality of our evolving platform as we continue to innovate."
Matt Webb - Technical Lead, iSky Research

Correlation Risk Partners - DevOps
Correlation Risk Partners (CRP) build partnerships with growing entrepreneurial businesses that have a proven ability to distribute insurance products. CRP focuses on developing a sustainable portfolio of sought after insurance businesses through exceptional partnership expertise and cross-functional knowledge sharing.
"While we have experience using AWS CI/CD services, it would have taken us too long to establish a DevOps capability. With their guidance and expertise, nubeGo helped us move this initiative forward quickly. The team helped us overcome some of the immediate technical challenges and provided inspiration on best practices we can apply ourselves going forward."
Eon Retief - Chief Data Officer, Correlation Risk Partners

Like many enterprises, Ladbrokes Coral had a big on-premises footprint, which was due for renewal.
It was the right time for a digital transformation not only for the IT side of the business but also on how software is developed and delivered.
Handing over management of services to GCP has also had a positive effect on the IT team’s productivity. “I haven’t had a support callout in six months”
“With Google Cloud we have the flexibility to scale and be more agile, what before took us 6 months to deploy, now with automation can be done in a few minutes.”
Steven McDevitt - Director of Infrastructure and Network

Miroculus were looking to develop a new version of their service to cope with an increase in workload. Their existing AWS setup was not optimized to scale, so nubeGo were enlisted to help design and implement a multi-account structure. This would provide the basis for Miroculus to deploy an ECS cluster to run their new workload on and then eventually to use a combination of EMR, Sagemaker and Neptune for data processing.
During a period of rapid growth for both companies, nubeGo helped mitigate issues by keeping in regular contact to ensure that all parties had a clear understanding.
“Knowing Fernando and his expertise, we decided to work with nubeGo. They reacted in a professional way, hearing us first and then implementing the solutions”
“Professionalism, technically really strong, and the ease to interact with nubeGO members”
Matias De Carli - Software Manager & Technical Leader

AWS Config: Remediation Rules
AutoProtect participated in a Wel Architected Day by nubeGo which highlighted several areas that could be improved according to a comparison against AWS recommend best
practices. With 30+ recommendations, they decided to engage with nubeGo to bring Governance and start building a framework which could be relied on for future growth.
By adopting AWS Config and SSM Automation documents, nubeGo enabled a fully compliant, automated S3 data protection system as part of the NCMS Landing Zone MSP Service.
"Relying on an automated security remediation solution gave us the confidence and to build trust across the different areas of the organisation when building new products."
Ian Gatley - Chief Technology Officer

Amazon Interactive Video Service: PHPv3 SDK Integration
Plataforma provides in-house audiovisual operation services, event production, AV integration for meeting rooms and a wide portfolio of technological tools to turn events into a successful and innovative experience. With the growing demand in online events, they needed to offer a streaming service from their own platform and on demand.
"The integration of our application with Amazon IVS allows us to accelerate the creation of stream channels, offering our customers better service and quality."
Edwin Cañon Moreno - IT Director - Grupo Plataforma