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Best Practices as a Service (BPAAS)  |


Why choose AWS and CloudZone for 
cloud management.

Based on AWS best practices, CloudZone is a secure, cost-efficient, and self-service cloud management platform; a managed landing zone solution where your architecture can be designed, deployed, configured, and operated in a fully automated manner.

CloudZone Landing Zone


High AWS Compliance

Improve your compliance rate with AWS Best Practices and monitor your standard compliance in a simple manner by activating 100+ AWS config rules and launching compliant workloads from CloudZone service catalog portfolios.

Centralized Management

Ensure your CCoE has full management of your workloads and provide controlled and secure access for the rest of the organization by adopting CloudZone improved centralized logging.

Simple Automation

Manage your cloud environment, launch new services, configure features and parameters just by clicking the option you need.

Continuous Improvement

Solve 40%+ of High Risk non-compliance AWS Well Architected Review items in days by adopting CloudZone, and improve your compliance with AWS Well Architected Framework continuously with no extra cost enabling our permanent features updates.

Cost Efficiency

CloudZone users have reduced their bill between 12% to 17% in the first month of cost management by activating the Cost Add-on. Implement CloudZone with just a fraction of the actual cost of a cloud platform team.

Maximum Security

Improve your security alignment to AWS best practices by activating the 100+ Security Alerts and Config rules; and 30+ remediation rules.

Tooling provided by AWS

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Continuous Integration and Delivery

The AWS Code Services (AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeDeploy) help you automatically build, test, and deploy your landing zone to AWS. Use AWS CodePipeline to build a CI/CD workflow that uses AWS services to programatically configure you AWS Organization

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Infrastructure as Code

Provision, configure, and manage your AWS infrastructure resources using code and templates. AWS CloudFormation lets you provision and update AWS resources with templates.  Use AWS Config for an inventory of your AWS resources and to monitor their configuration.

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Monitoring and Logging

Record logs and monitor application and infrastructure performance in near real-time using services like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail.

Case Studies

Our clients give their insight into how CloudZone and AWS has helped them.




"Focusing on our product rather than the infrastructure was a key goal for this year, and relying on an automated platform was the solution for our team."

Jon Spinage, Director of Technology





"We needed to move fast as our applications were blocked on the Amazon Store due to lack of compliance and security. Deploying this framework fixed all the requirements and enabled us in 10 days."

Eduardo Ruiz, CEO


About us

CloudZone is the result of implementing AWS Cloud best practices combined with customer feedback from different verticals and industries in which the main goal is to simplify, optimize and make it easy for organizations to adopt cloud technologies, reducing time to market, adhering to AWS best practices, and keeping security, governance and cost efficiency as the top priority.

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