Programa de Migración a la Nube

Fases de migración con Swift

Swift ayuda a las pymes a desarrollar una estrategia de migración de punta a punta con las mejores oportunidades de éxito.

Preparación y Planeamiento

Business Case
Benefits Assessment
High-level TCO goal analysis
Steering group formation/advice
2 day, 5 day or 10 day programme

“Out of all the consultancies we engaged, nubeGo provided us with the most complete business case for moving to Azure including a proposed architecture and high-level cost model”
Founder, Start-up Search Platform

Rapid Discovery
Azure Migrate Assessment
+ Stakeholder Interviews
+ Cloud Readiness Assessment -
7Rs Workload Classification
Migration Portfolio Assessment (MPA)
2, 5 or 10 day discovery workshops

“During the planning phase of our project, nubeGo’s Solution Architect worked closely with us to understand our existing tech stack and apply their own experiences to recommend alternative approaches”
Software Manager, Healthcare ML Platform

Refined Migration Plan
Data-driven migration plan using Data Migration Hub data & reports Building-block planning
Lighthouse project identification
2, 5 or 10 day planning packages

“Although we wanted to attack this in an agile manner, we asked nubeGo to help us understand an indicative size for the entire programme and a recommendation for how to break it down”
MD, Financial Analytics Website
Ejecución y Validación

Small Module
15 days

Large Module
Upto 90 days

Medium Module
30 days

XL Module
180 days
nubeGo ayuda con el rápido re-hosting de servidores y datos almacenados a AWS utilizando AWS CloudEndure y AWS Database Migration Service. Nuestros arquitectos de soluciones crean diseños basados ​​en datos para la infraestructura de redes y aplicaciones.
Los arquitectos técnicos, los desarrolladores de la nube y los ingenieros de plataforma de nubeGo están disponibles en módulos de trabajo pre-dimensionados para rediseñar sus plataformas principales, construir CI / CD y marcos de prueba automatizados y para ayudar a dar forma a su modelo operativo en la Nube.
Durante la etapa de discovery podemos ayudarlo a dimensionar el proyecto de migración para que este se adecue a uno de nuestros módulos de consultoría.
Operaciones en la Nube

(Cloud Managed Service)
Azure Landing Zone best practices applied in hours, not weeks. 24/7 access to Cloud support for one monthly cost.

CI/CD and DevOps
Apply robust DevOps practices from day-one. Deployment tooling is considered in all nubeGo migration plans as standard.

Project Management
& Agile Delivery
Migration is an opportunity for change. Experienced consultants lead and coach in lasting agile practices.

Automated Monitoring,
Alerting and Patching
One nubeGo client cites a reduction in operational effort of 86%, to just 2 hours a month.

Real-Time Cost & Security
Monitoring Add-Ons
Partnerships with Panther and CloudHealth allow nubeGo to auto-deploy 3rd-party monitoring.

Operating Model, Policy &
Process Definition
Experience reviewing & building company-wide Cloud Operating Models and SDLC at SME and Enterprise scale.