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Windows on AWS

Run your Microsoft Windows workloads on AWS Cloud

Why AWS for your Windows Workloads?

Did you know that 57.7% of Windows workloads in the public cloud run on AWS?.

Most Microsoft applications run perfectly on AWS but here is an overview of some of the commonly run workloads in AWS:

  • Enterprise Apps: SQL Server, SharePoint, Exchange, Skype, Active Directory, System Center, VDI and Remote desktop

  • Custom .NET Apps

  • LOB Apps: Dynamics  and 3 parts ISV Applications

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Popular Services

SQL Server on Amazon EC2

Choice of several versions of Microsoft SQL Server offers you the flexibility to run a database server for as much or as little time as you need, with complete control over the Windows Server settings.

Amazon Relational DB Service


Fully managed relational database service that offers SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017 while offloading database administration tasks like managing backups, detecting failures and recovering and much more, data transfer, DNS management, and a static IP – for a low, predictable price.




Fully managed native Microsoft Windows file system which provides shared file storage including full support for the SMB protocol and Windows NTFS, and Active Directory integration.

Migration Acceleration Programme for Windows

Customer looking to migrate their Windows Server and SQL Server workloads to AWS can use the AWS Migration Acceleration Programme (MAP) for Windows. Customers can also use MAP for Windows to modernise these workloads on cloud native, Linux, and other open source solutions. As part of this programme, customers get prescriptive guidance, specialist consulting support, tooling, training, and services credits. With MAP for Windows, customers can reduce their risk of migrating to the cloud, and offset the initial cost of migration or modernisation.

Desktop-as-a-service on AWS

Customers looking to move their Windows 10 and Windows 7 desktops to AWS, can do so with Amazon WorkSpaces. Amazon WorkSpaces is a desktop-as-a-service solution that lets you centrally manage your desktops and securely deliver them to any user. You can easily scale to any number of users across the globe without acquiring, provisioning, and operating hardware or infrastructure. And, you pay either monthly or hourly, just for the WorkSpaces you launch.

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  • Obtenga los beneficios de las mejores prácticas de AWS, creadas por especialistas en AWS

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  • Nuestras automatizaciones en plataforma y monitoreo, le permiten a los expertos en AWS de nubeGo enfocarse en apoyar las necesidades de tu negocio

  • nubeGo es una consultora especializada en la nube  que comprende los desafíos de operar una empresa usando AWS

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